This website was started in 2008 to provide information and resources for developing a business plan for small business.

Today, we are still focused on providing information and tools for developing a quality business plan for anyone that wishes to save time in the development and planning process. Providing articles, information and tools for creating a small business plan is a passion that we share with the community.

The parent company for www.Business-Plan-Examples.com is PbC Publishing Co. out of Charlotte, NC. PbC Publishing owns and operates several informational for profit and non-profit websites and maintains standards for ethical business and social practices.To learn more about our company or to contact us please use the “Contact Us” page.


My name is Craig Frazier and I am a small business marketer, author and entrepreneur with over 15 years of experience in business management.

After struggling to find the tools I needed to build my business plan, I put together a resource “toolkit” with the templates and examples I needed to make my next business plan writing project much simpler. I provide these templates and tools on this website along with many free resources and examples to help in your business planning project.

I love connecting with other business people and giving back to the small business community. Find me on the Business Plan Examples Facebook page